
Annexe Planning Permission

Do You Need A Legal Agreement When Living With Family?

Granny annexes have become hugely popular now for not only…
Foxglove Granny Annexe with Flat Roof

How To Encourage Independence In Elderly Parents?

As children, we want what is best for our parents. It can be…
Grandfather and Grandson

Why Independence Is So Important For Seniors

Everyone loves having their independence and we all want to…

Balancing Work And Caring For Elderly Relatives

As your relatives and loved ones get older you might find that…
An older couple in the garden

Are Granny Annexes Worth It?

A granny annexe is a great way to keep your loved ones close…
An elderly couple smiling at each other

Should I Extend Or Get A Granny Flat?

If you have decided that it’s time for a loved one to move…
People holding hands

Granny Annexe vs Sheltered Living

There are several options for housing when the time comes that…
Elderly couple in a garden

Living Options For The Elderly

There are many different living options for the elderly but…